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WORLD MARITIME : SINGAPORE – All Container Terminals In Port Faces 90% Vessel Delays Due To Red Sea Diversions

By GMM News | 2024-07-08 | International Shipping News |

Almost 90% of container ships arrive in Singapore off-schedule, a significant increase from 77% in 2023, according to Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat.

The ongoing Red Sea crisis is to blame for the delays, forcing ships to take the longer routes between Europe and Asia around the Cape of Good Hope.

Chee Hong Tat revealed these details in a written response to Parliament on July 2, 2024, emphasising the widespread impact of the crisis on global shipping schedules.

The diversion of the vessels has led to an increase in off-schedule arrivals at ports worldwide.

Singapore, a crucial transhipment hub, has been particularly impacted since shipping lines depend on it to rearrange containers and facilitate operations.

The increased volume of container vessels has extended their stay in the port, increasing the wait time of incoming ships and causing congestion at container berths.

Several ships arrive within a short period of time, causing a bunching effect that exacerbates congestion.

In response, port management agencies have reactivated additional berths and yard space and plan to continue scaling up handling capacity in the coming months to meet the expected demand.

Despite these challenges, Singapore’s container throughput increased by 7.7 per cent from January to May.

The expansion demonstrates the port’s resilience and importance in global trade.

Reference: Xinhua, China.org


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