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SHIPBUIDING INDUSTRY : VIETNAM – Ha Long Shipbuilding Launches Second next-generation CSOV for Windcat Offshore of the Netherlands

By GMM Technologies | 2024-12-24 | Ship Building News |


Ha Long Shipbuilding in Vietnam has launched the second next-generation commissioning service operation vessel (CSOV) built for Windcat Offshore of the Netherlands. Windcat Offshore has ordered a total of six CSOVs from Ha Long Shipbuilding.

All six CSOVs were designed by Windcat Offshore and Belgian engineering company CMB.Tech. The vessel is 87 meters long and 20 meters wide, can accommodate 120 people, has a gangway and a crane on the deck, has a maximum endurance of 30 days, and is equipped with a hybrid propulsion system that uses hydrogen as the main fuel.

The vessel’s hybrid electric propulsion system, combined with the on-board power distribution system, means that there is no need to run a standby diesel generator to meet power needs. The vessel will also offer offshore charging capabilities.

The first CSOV in this series, named “Windcat Rotterdam”, was launched less than two months ago and is scheduled for delivery in the second quarter of 2025.

Damen, Windcat and CMB.TECH first announced their intention to develop and build a series of offshore wind farm support vessels together back in 2022. After an initial contract for two ships, Windcat increased the order to six vessels, with the last contract being signed mid-2024.

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