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MARINE POLLUTION : UAE – Dubai Municipality Unveils Remote-Controlled Smart Marine Scraper To Combat Water Pollution

GMM Safety | 2024-05-15 | Case Enviroment |

Developed locally by Emirati talents in association with the Al Khattal Boat Factory, the progressive scraper represents a substantial leap forward in the municipality’s efforts toward ecological preservation.

Operated 100% remotely, the smart marine scraper is empowered with an unlimited range of controls and real-time monitoring features facilitated by satellite tech.

Its advanced control system makes the best use of 5G networks to accomplish precise marine manoeuvres and ensure effective waste collection.

The scraper’s secondary systems comprise an innovative marine survey system that identifies waste sites and starts the removal.

Besides, an interactive external environment system bolsters marine safety by preventing collisions automatically.

With enhanced productivity, the scraper can efficiently collect and transfer up to 1,000 kgs of floating marine waste.

Introducing the smart scraper underscores the country’s municipality’s commitment to tech innovation and the development of sustainable solutions to enhance the efficiency of municipal operations.

The municipality aims to maintain Dubai’s cleanliness and sustainability while improving its overall appeal and quality of life through waste management goals, environmental preservation, and pollution reduction.

Dubai’s municipality has deployed a team dedicated to overseeing the cleanliness of creeks and water canals spanning beyond 35 kilometres (19 nm).

Comprising 25 employees and sailors, 12 marine captains, and 12 marine vehicles, this team ensures that the daily cleaning tasks are executed per the work plan, with 24-hour field follow-ups, to protect Dubai’s natural and marine environments from floating waste.

Reference: ANI, Khaleej Times

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