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MARINE POLLUTION : SINGAPORE – Oil Spill On Singapore’s Southern Coastline After Collision Between Dredger Boat & Tanker

GMM Safety | 2024-06-20 | Case Enviroment |

An oil spill resulting from a collision between a dredger boat and a stationary oil tanker has blackened Singapore’s southern coastline, including the famous tourist island of Sentosa.

The spill prompted immediate cleanup efforts and raised concerns about potential dangers to marine species.

The incident occurred on Friday when the Netherlands-flagged dredger Vox Maxima collided with the Singaporean fuel supply ship Marine Honor, destroying its cargo tank and spilling oil into the sea.

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore stated late Saturday that the leak had been stopped and treated with dispersants.

However, tidal currents brought the processed oil to coastlines, including Sentosa, other southern islands, a nature reserve, and a public beach park.

Sentosa, a popular tourist attraction that includes one of Singapore’s two casinos, golf courses, and Southeast Asia’s only Universal Studios theme park, has closed portions of its beachfront and nature reserve to aid clean-up activities.

While Sentosa Beach is still open to the public, marine activities and swimming are officially prohibited.

On Sunday, workers were spotted scraping sand in a clean-up operation at an empty Sentosa beach with black water and an oil-stained coastline.

Authorities have deployed 18 boats to clean up the spill and established about 1,500 meters of container booms, temporary floating barriers designed to contain the oil flow.

Conservationists and biologists are closely monitoring the spill’s effects on marine and wildlife.

Local conservation group Marine Stewards reported spotting dead fish, otters, and kingfishers covered in oil slick.Sue Ye, the founder of Marine Stewards, emphasised the catastrophic impacts of oil spills on marine life.

He added that the oil can smother and drown fish, birds, and aquatic animals that surface for air, such as turtles and dolphins.

The full extent of the environmental damage is still being assessed as clean-up efforts continue and authorities attempt to reduce the impact on Singapore’s coastal ecosystem.

Reference: AP News


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