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MARINE INCIDENT : Sri Lankan Port Authority Averts Major Catastrophe By Containing Fire On Container Ship MSC CAPETOWN III

GMM Safety | 2024-08-16 | Case Incidents |

A major catastrophe was averted at the Port of Colombo’s Jaya Container Terminal (JCT) when the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) successfully extinguished a fire aboard the container ship MV MSC CAPETOWN III.

The incident occurred on August 11, 2024, while the vessel was discharging 995 boxes and loading 880 boxes.

The fire started in the 41/43 hatch area of the vessel, affecting approximately 100 under-deck containers and 60 on-deck containers.

The fire quickly turned into an explosion, but the SLPA’s firefighting team led by the Harbour Master and supported by other port services, was able to control the situation.

H.J.K.U Kumara, the SLPA’s director of port operations, stated that the vessel docked at the terminal showed no prior signs of fire.

However, during operations, the SLPA team identified the precise location from where the smoke had started, resulting in an explosion. The firefighters responded swiftly to extinguish the fire and safely remove the damaged cargo.

The MSC CAPETOWN III, an 18-year-old container ship built in 2006 and registered under the Madeira flag, arrived in JCT from Singapore.

The ship also carried 596 out-port containers, in addition to the 995 boxes being discharged and the 880 boxes that were loaded.

The cause of the fire and the cargo’s condition are still being investigated.

The Sri Lanka Ports Authority remains committed to the safety and security of its terminals and will continue to monitor the situation actively.

Reference: Sri Lanka Ports Authority

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