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MARINE INCIDENT : Port of Gladstone Maritime Safety Authority (ASMA) Bans Bulk Carrier Amid Repair Delays

GMM Safety | 2024-02-26 | Case Incidents |

The Maritime Safety Authority (ASMA) banned Panamax bulk carrier KMAX LEADER for a year after it failed to provide necessary repair updates. The ship has been stranded in Gladstone Port for four months, experiencing mechanical issues.KMAX LEADER is a 91800 dwt bulk carrier built in 2010 and registered in Liberia. The ship arrived at the Port of Gladstone in October last year and started experiencing ‘’unidentified engine room vibration”. The shipping agent notified AMSA that maintenance had begun on the technical problem and would take eight to ten days. However, the repair stalled for almost four months.

According to AMSA, they issued multiple notices to the ship requiring the classification society to conduct a damage assessment and provide a report on the repair made. However, no information was provided, stated Michael Drake, AMSA Executive Director of Operation.

As per AMSA, the ship was left disabled in the Port of Gladstone during the cyclone season, which presented a significant risk to the safety of the port. Since the arrival of KMAX LEADER, two cyclones have hit the Queensland coast, and the vessel still awaits repair. Current status is that the vessel has been moved to anchorage with the help of six tugs.

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