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MARINE INCIDENT : Italian Coast Guard Rescues 85 People From Sinking Passenger Ferry In The Gulf Of Trieste

GMM Safety | 2024-06-15 | Case Incidents |

The Italian Coast Guard, along with the coordinated efforts of the Trieste Coast Guard, naval vessels, and a Coast Guard aircraft, successfully evacuated 85 people from a passenger ferry at risk of sinking in the Gulf of Trieste.

The ferry, Audace, declared an emergency at midday, stating it was in immediate danger of sinking about four miles from shore.

The quick response ensured that all 76 passengers evacuated safely, including five children and four staff members.Authorities stated that no serious injuries occurred, and no one ended up in the water.

The incident occurred while the ferry was travelling on its regular route between Trieste and Grado, usually taking around one and a half hours.The 22.5-meter (74-foot) vessel was found to be tilting steeply toward the bow.

While the exact reason for the incident remains unknown, some believe a wave may have swamped the ferry.Rescue efforts involved transferring passengers to life rafts and then into patrol boats for transport to shore.Visuals from the site showed the ferry in a dangerous position, but it remained afloat.Efforts are underway to bring the vessel to port using a tug.

The Audace, a newly built ferry that will replace an older vessel named Andriatica, can accommodate 200 passengers and have space for 30 bicycles.

According to media sources, ambulances and medical teams were on standby, and six people were brought to the hospital for precautionary reasons.

The Italian Coast Guard expressed pride in the operation, announcing, “Everyone safe and no one injured,” on X, highlighting the effective coordination and swift response that resulted in a successful evacuation with no casualties.

Reference: Guardia Costiera

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