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MARINE INCIDENT : Fatal Boiler Explosion in Product Tanker Claims Engineer’s Life

GMM Training | 2024-01-15 | Case Incidents |

On January 8th, tragedy struck aboard the product tanker “MT TORC” when an engineer lost his life due to a boiler explosion while the ship was en route to Italy via the Mediterranean.

Managed by the Turkish company Besiktas Shipping, the MT TORC is now under investigation regarding the incident. The explosion occurred in the engine room of the 13,200 dwt tanker at 1:05 PM GMT on Monday. Unfortunately, the second engineer on board, “Mehmet Altas,” sustained grave injuries and passed away before medical help could reach the vessel

Following the injury, the ship immediately contacted the Italian Port Authorities, Ankara MRCC, and the Republic of Turkiye to arrange for medical evacuation. Despite plans for a medical helicopter dispatch by the Italian authorities, it was canceled upon learning of the engineer’s passing.

After the explosion, the ship resumed its journey to the scheduled port of Genoa and is anticipated to arrive on January 11th.

The MT TORC, measuring 128m in length and equipped with 14 tanks, was constructed in 2010 and primarily operates in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Reports indicate that the vessel underwent three inspections at the Selah Shipyard last year, including an expanded inspection in December 2023. No issues or deficiencies were identified during these inspections.

The ship operator has conveyed condolences for the loss of a crewmember and announced plans for further investigation. Upon completion of the Italian authorities’ inquiry, an international expert organization will also be engaged to analyze and determine the cause of the explosion.

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