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MARINE INCIDENT : Crane Catches Fire and Falls on Bulk Carrier in Altamira, Mexico

GMM Safety | 2024-04-08 | Case Incidents |

A fire erupted on one of the mobile cranes at the Infraestructura Portuaria Mexicana (IPM) terminal, resulting in the crane falling on a bulk carrier, “ST. AJISAI”.

The incident occurred in Altamira, Mexico, on Wednesday, March 27th.

The Liebher-branded crane was unloading cargo from a large draught vessel when the incident occurred. The vessel in question, “ST. AJISAI,” is a Panamanian flagged vessel, having a length of 200m and a beam of 32 m. ST AJISAI and it was built in 2022.

Volunteer firefighters from Tamaulipas A.C., who responded to the scene, suggested that the fire may have been caused by an oil leak in the crane’s engine.

The IPM and the Administration of the National Harbour System (Asipona) Altamira have not made any comment regarding the crane accident.

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