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MARINE INCIDENT : Australia Bans Danaos Shipping’s “Unseaworthy” Bulk Carrier From Entering Its Ports

GMM Safety | 2024-06-11 | Case Incidents |

Australian authorities have banned the Cypriot-flagged bulk carrier Peace from entering the country’s ports for three months.

The restriction is in reaction to data demonstrating the vessel’s significant unseaworthiness, the most recent in a string of complaints about Danoas Shipping ships.

On May 31, 2024, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) took action in response to the detention of the Peace in Newcastle.

Inspections showed significant flaws, including a lack of maintenance and severe deterioration of crucial fixtures and hatches.

According to AMSA Acting Executive Director Operations Greg Witherall, the level of negligence found aboard the Peace posed substantial threats to crew members’ safety and the marine environment.

This latest incident follows Danaos Shipping’s prior encounter with Australian authorities regarding the containership Suez Canal.

The Suez Canal was detained for an extended period of time in January 2024 due to identical structural concerns.

Despite receiving a written warning from AMSA urging rectification of these issues, Danaos Shipping’s actions failed to demonstrate appropriate corrective measures.

Witherall emphasized the importance of the situation, highlighting the devastating consequences of watertight and weathertight failures on the Peace.

The vessel’s detention was lifted only when the necessary repairs were completed to solve the reported faults.

However, given the severity of the situation, AMSA banned the Peace from entering Australian Ports for three months.

Witherhall issued a stern warning, emphasising that permitting a ship to deteriorate to this extent is unacceptable, leaving no room for justifications.

AMSA’s decision to ban the Peace sends a clear message that actions jeopardizing maritime safety will not be allowed.

Danaos Shipping may face additional consequences if they continue to operate vessels that have been found unseaworthy.

The ban on the Peace demonstrates AMSA’s unwavering commitment to upholding high standards in maritime operations that protect both human lives and the marine environment.

As Danaos Shipping deals with the impact of these occurrences, the worldwide maritime community is reminded of the importance of prioritizing safety and complying with regulations at all times.

Reference: AMSA

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