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MARINE INCIDENT : Container Ship SC Montana Suffers Engine Failure & Drifts Toward The Cayman Islands

GMM Safety | 2024-04-09 | Case Incidents |

The Cayman Islands Government and Coast Guard requested aid after receiving information that a containership, the Liberian-registered SC Montana, had an engine failure and was drifting toward the western end of Little Cayman.

With a deadweight of 33,757 tons, the vessel was unstable, prompting immediate action to avoid a possible grounding.The SC Montana, which is 682 feet (208 meters) long, informed authorities that its main engine had failed, leaving it vulnerable to the currents bringing it closer to the Cayman Islands.

The isolated position of Little Cayman provided further complications, as its docks, along with those on adjacent Cayman Brac, were determined to be insufficient to accommodate the disabled vessel.

Government officials, including acting Governor Franz Manderson and Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, engaged with major stakeholders to discuss reaction options as soon as the approaching crisis became apparent.

The Cayman Islands Coast Guard’s Operation Coordination Center coordinated rescue activities, providing a cohesive response to the evolving catastrophe.

Responding to the distress call, two passing vessels, the Lefkes, a Panama-registered cargo ship, and the Aruna Cihan, a Marshall Islands-registered vessel, rushed to assist the SC Montana.

Meanwhile, the Cayman Islands Coast Guard activated local resources, including a tug from Grand Cayman, to assist with the rescue attempt.

Despite the engine failure, the crew could engage generator power and use all available systems to halt the vessel’s drift, but with limited effectiveness.As the situation developed, government officials closely monitored the vessel’s movement.

The Environmental Department stayed attentive, monitoring potential environmental consequences and praising the Lefkes and Aruna Cihan workers for their crucial aid in preventing a disaster.

The SC Montana, en route from Montego Bay, Jamaica, to Mariel, Cuba, became adrift with its navigational status designated “not under command.” Despite a slight decrease in speed from 1.2 mph to 1.1 knots, the vessel remained a threat as it approached Little Cayman’s coastline.

Despite continued efforts to control the situation and avoid a grounding, the safety of all crew members aboard the SC Montana has been confirmed.

However, the imminent threat posed by the disabled ship highlighted the importance of coordinated response actions to protect human lives and the surrounding environment.

Reference: Cayman Compass


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