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MARINE ACCIDENT : South Korean Coast – 77 Saved as LNG Carrier Collides with Cargo Ship

GMM Safety | 2024-02-23 | Case Incidents |

By South Korea Guard confirmed, the LNG carrier SM JEJU LNG1 collided with a cargo ship near Yeoseo Island, South Korea. The accident happened six kilometers southwest of Yeoseo Island in Wando County, South Jeolla, South Korea. The Wando Coast Guard was quick in the rescue mission, and all 77 people onboard the two vessels were rescued within four hours. The Wando Coast Guard stated that the accident happened at 4:20 am, and they immediately dispatched a helicopter and a patrol vessel for rescue.

The Coast Guard has confirmed that though both the vessels were damaged significantly, neither of them is likely to sink. At the time of the collision, the LNG carrier SM JEJU LNG1 was empty. In contrast, the 5900-ton freighter was carrying vehicles and containers when the accident happened, and the Coast Guard confirmed that the freighter had excess passengers at its limit. Further investigation is underway to determine the exact cause of the crash.

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