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MARINE ACCIDENT : RED SEA CRISIS – Houthi Missile Strike Sets Bulk Carrier M/V Verbena On Fire In Gulf of Aden, 1 Severely Injured

GMM Safety | 2024-06-17 | Case Accidents |

The Verbena ship sank in the Gulf of Aden after being attacked by several missiles,” Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saree said.Houthis said that they attacked three vessels in the Red and Arabian Seas in the past 24 hours using ballistic missiles and drones. The Ukrainian-owned cargo ship Verbena caught fire after the strike.

He also added that the Tutor ship, which was attacked by the Houthis in the Red Sea, could begin to sink in the coming hours.On Sunday, the US Central Command said that the crew of Verbena was evacuated from the ship due to fire and inability to extinguish it.

The Houthis Force launched anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCM) into the Gulf of Aden, striking the MV Verbena, a Palauan-flagged bulk cargo carrier owned by Ukraine and operated by Poland.The vessel transporting wood building materials from Malaysia to Italy incurred severe damage and fire on board.One crew member was severely injured and was later airlifted off the USS Philippine Sea (CG 58) to a partner force ship for medical treatment.

The strike is the second against MV Verbena in the last 24 hours, following a similar attack with three missiles.

The ongoing Houthi operation has seen an increase in attacks against international vessels in the area, claiming solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza during the Israel-Hamas conflict.

The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) condemned the actions, threatening regional stability and mariner safety across the international waters.

In the last two days, the Houthis have also targeted the Greek-owned cargo ship Tutor, forcing it to take on water near Yemen’s Red Sea port of Hodeidah.

The attack on Tutor, consisting of Filipino crew members, provoked outrage from the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs.

Despite claims of casualties, Greek officials have not confirmed any deaths.

US Centcom responded by destroying one air defense sensor, one uncrewed surface vessel (USV), two patrol boats, and one uncrewed aerial system (UAS) launched by the Houthis.

These actions were taken to reduce immediate dangers to US forces, coalition forces, and commerce vessels in the area.

The Houthi campaign negatively impacted global shipping, increasing delays and expenses throughout supply networks.

Since November, the group has launched numerous strikes, vowing that operations will continue until the Gaza crisis is resolved.

Despite this, Centcom has pledged to hold the Houthis accountable and weaken their military capabilities.

As the situation worsens, the international community remains on high alert, with efforts focused on safeguarding freedom of passage and protecting critical maritime routes for global trade.

Reference: US Centcom

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