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MARINE ACCIDENT : RED SEA CRISIS – Houthi Missile Attack Sets British Oil Tanker Ablaze

GMM Training | 2024-01-28 | Case Incidents |

MT. MARLIN LUANDA Fire by Houthi attached – GMM

As per the UK Maritime Trade Organization report, on 26th January 2024, the product tanker MARLIN LUANDA was hit by a Houthi missile. The tanker was operated by commodity trading firm Trafigura and was headed to Singapore when the attack happened. The company has confirmed that the vessel was hit by a anti-ship missile and is on fire. The company spokesperson reported that the firefighting equipment onboard is being used to suppress the fire in one of the vessel’s cargo holds on the starboard side. The Houthi spokesperson, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, in a video statement, said that the Yemeni Naval forces attacked a British oil ship in the Gulf of Aden using naval missiles, and the British ship went on fire.

The UK Maritime Trade Organization has reported the location of the attack as 60 nautical miles southeast of Aden, Yemen. MARLIN LUANDA has requested assistance, and USS Carney and other coalition vessels have proceeded to provide assistance.

Earlier the same day, MARLIN LUANDA had relayed information about an air explosion approximately 200-300 meters above the waterline of another vessel, ACHILLES, a Panama-flagged crude tanker. Fortunately, the explosion happened one nautical mile away from ACHILLES, and the ship managed to escape the attack.

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