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WORLD MARITIME : IMO – The Council Enhances Transparency With Live-Streaming & Public Access To Documents

By GMM News | 2024-07-29 | International Shipping News |

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council has chosen to live-stream its plenary meetings and make its records publicly available for the first time.

The decision was taken at the Council’s 132nd session, held in London from July 8 to 12.

The Council has taken several initiatives to improve its strategy and operations, including:

  • The Council will live-stream plenary sessions and make documents and decision summaries available to the public.
  • The Council will create hybrid capabilities for virtual and in-person meeting participation.
  • The Council will improve Multilingualism with a Strategic Framework for Multilingualism.

The Council also acknowledged continued enhancements to the International Maritime Organization’s Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS), which acts as a comprehensive online hub for collecting, processing, and disseminating shipping-related data.

Secretary-General Mr. Arsenio Dominguez, in his introductory remarks, stated that his efforts continue to modernize and transparently operate IMO and that he will continue to seek efficiency, from restructuring to the best use of their financial assets, recruitment, and building facilities, to name a few, while investing in those who make all these possible—the professional staff of the Secretariat.

The IMO Council serves as the Organization’s executive organ, supervising its activities under the Assembly.It comprises 40 Member States elected by the Assembly to two-year terms.

Mr. Victor Jimenez Fernandez of Spain led the session, and Mrs. Amane Fethallah of Morocco served as Vice-Chair.

These decisions represent the IMO’s significant effort to modernize its operations and increase public accessibility, fostering transparency and inclusivity in the worldwide maritime community.

Reference: IMO

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